Respect Auto Works is dedicated to offering full transparency when it comes to our diagnostics and recommended repairs.  We will always try to conclude with definitive reason and/or proof before we proceed with the suggested repair.  We utilize an ever-growing lineup of diagnostic equipment, which has played a role in our beyond-average diagnostic success rate.  From Check Engine Lights to annoying gremlins, rest assured, we will practice strong due diligence to get you conclusive answers.


Sadly, we find that Auto Makers seem to focus more on “Build to Sell”, and no longer much on “Build to Last”.  We experience countless unforeseen failures on newer vehicles while older 90’s Imports are still roaming around strong with original parts and exceptional fuel economy.  While one may feel money savings come with longer 8,000-mile Oil Changes, the Engine Internal components tend to disagree and often results in costly repairs.  We have grown to realize that 3,000-mile Oil Change Intervals prove itself worthy time and time again. -just ask that 1991 Honda Accord you see cruising on the interstate.

Respect Auto Works will preach reasonable/circumstantial intervals for all fluids and maintainable components to help increase the likelihood of longevity.